Ruby falls, a novel by Deborah Goodrich Royce

 ¡Hola corazones! esta semana vengo con otra de mis colaboraciones de #Netgalley y en este caso se trata probablemente de una de mis lecturas mas favoritas del año. Fue inesperado porque no esperaba nada pero este Thriller me atrapó y es brillante.

como siempre la reseña en inglés:

I began reading the novel knowing that it was closely related to Daphne Du Maurier's Rebecca, which came to my eyes with the Alfred Hitchchock´s film adaptation.

Ruby Falls is hypnotic, gripping, and weird. The gothic atmosphere of David Lynch's films seems to have inspired this haunting tale that begins with the disappearance of Ruby's father in the caves that happen to have her name: Ruby Falls.

I think Eleanor, as she calls herself after the trauma of her past, is a character that is not meant to be nice but to be a puzzle.


The loose writing and in the first person were ruminating like going back over the steps of Eleanor and rewriting herself all the time, adding details and expanding the story, which has a highly addictive effect. The mystery catches you and you want to know many things such as What happened to Ruby / Ellie / Eleanor's father? What happened to her in the soap opera that she had to give it up? And many other things that will become clear only at the end when the atmosphere is truly rarefied and you distrust of everyone. Every single character is shady because we watch them thru Eleanor’s eyes.


I gave it five stars because it was a reading that shocked and surprised me. Set in the eighties, it has a lot of VC Andrews, (even the cover with flowers) and the timing is very cinematic.

Each chapter if I did not misunderstand has the title or represents a classic film. Which as a movie fan, I think it made it a very attractive characteristic.

I highly recommend this reading because the plot is impeccable and the parallels or recurrences in the plot are everything to give it that strange and terrible climate. So poetic it hurts.

I made many assumptions but the plot twists were up to what I expected, which was a good psychological thriller.

I really hope that people will comment on this novel a lot and that everyone gives it a try. It was one of my best reads of the year and I'm really going to wait for the release to buy myself a copy because it got me.

The arc edition that I received from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review was a pdf  and I must point out that in one of the chapters that is in Spanish there is a typo because it says Meurto instead of Muerto wich is the correct word.

My applause to Debrorah Goodrich Royce and I really hope to read more about her in the future if her trhillers are as effective and as compartmentalized as Ruby's secretary.

Ruby Falls is a ten.

¡Espero volver pronto con mas reseñas es que ando complicada editando una novela! Saludos!

3 comentarios:

  1. Hola Jimena. Gracias por compartirla. Besos :D

  2. ¡Muchas gracias por compartir tu colaboración!
    Un abrazo.

  3. Quien lea este testimonio hoy debería celebrar conmigo y mi familia porque todo comenzó como una broma para algunas personas y otras dijeron que era imposible.He estado casado durante seis años sin hijos, el doctor dijo que tengo un recuento bajo de espermatozoides. mi esposa pidió el divorcio, estaba enferma y cansada de estar conmigo. Hice todo lo posible, pero nada funcionó. Pensé que no la volvería a ver hasta que conocí a un viejo amigo mío que me habló de un mago llamado Dr. Igbinovia, me dio su dirección de correo electrónico y su número de móvil. Me puse en contacto con él y me aseguró que mi Esposa volvería a mí dentro de tres días si tan solo estuviera lista para pagar los impuestos. Coopero con él por solo un día y me preparó un hechizo de amor y una medicina y el último me dijo que mi esposa volverá. Muy temprano en la mañana, mi Esposa vino llorando pidiendo perdón diciendo que era obra de los demonios, así que todavía estoy asombrado por este milagro, no me lo podía imaginar, pero tan pronto como terminé de escribir, dos meses después mi mi esposa quedó embarazada fue como un milagro, así que no guardes tu vergüenza, lo hizo por mí y creo que también puede hacerlo por ti. Si necesita su ayuda, puede contactar su correo electrónico: WhatsApp o Viber o llamarlo ahora: +12162022709 Dr.Igbinovia también trata: Infertilidad, VIH / SIDA, HERPES 1/2, CÁNCER, Hepatitis B, Si quieres quedar embarazada


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